BSSO Meeting 2019

09 février 2019 Bruxelles

Belgian Society of Surgical Oncology npa


2019-BSSO Symposium


Solid Organ Cancer in Young Adults



Date :               Saturday, 9th February 2019

Venue :            Erasme Hospital,

Auditorium Wybran, Floor: -1.



Moderators:    B. Carly, A. Wolthuis, W. Ceelen, G. Liberale


08:30               Welcome


09:00               Challenges and perspectives in fertility preservation techniques.

Isabelle Demeestere,  Bruxelles


09:30               Uncertainty and hope in young adult cancer patients: concepts and communication issues.

Darius Razavi, Bruxelles


10:00               Pathology and Genetics. 

Patrick Pauwels, Antwerpen


10:30               Coffee break


11:00               Management of soft tissue sarcoma (STS): follow the yellow brick road.

Gwen Sys, Gent


11:30               The case of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPPC).

Alex Kartheuser, Louvain-en-Woluwe


12:00               Cancer during Pregnancy.

Frederic Amant, Amsterdam, Nl


12:30               Closure and Lunch